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Make The Change's Design For Good Talk 2019

"Change is not meant to be made alone. That's why we're here." – Abigail Teo, Changemaker, Make The Change

Make The Change is honoured to have Timothy Hamons and Shah Widjaja come to share their thoughts and experiences with us for this year's edition of Design For Good Talk.

Tim Hamons and Shah Widjaja with the MTC team.
Tim Hamons in action

During his session, Tim showed how visual models and concepts can be used to support and work through personal change to create a compelling story set around one's end goal. Tim expounded his belief that EVERYONE can draw; he had attendees pick up pen and paper, okay, an A5 card and a marker, and had them pair up, drawing whatever their partners shared with them. Questions were encouraged, and what w discovered was that the more people shared, and listen, the better the quality of the drawing. Granted, the drawings were not perfect but Tim shared that people were attracted to imperfection (the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi?). This acted as an effective icebreaker.

The insight gained from Tim's sharing?

  1. EVERYONE can draw! Just let loose your inhibitions and release the inner child.

  2. Listen. The more one listens, the more insight and understanding one gains.

  3. The ability to tell a story is important if you are a leader, because great stories inspire people and allow them to see the possibility of the previously thought impossible.

In summary, Tim encourages using visual thinking to aid and enhance our thought processes.

Shah Widjaja on stage

Our second speaker of the day was Shah Widjaja, the former Head of Creative at Palo IT, Experienced Designer, Mentor and Troublemaker. Shah's sharing was titled very interestingly, "Design Thinking: WTFs and FTWs". Well, the acronyms mean just that. When met with a difficult problem, most of our reaction would be to blurt out the former expletive (what the...?)

But what Shah wants attendees to do is to adopt the latter attitude. Take away from Shah's session?

  1. The boring stuff is important. You know what they say: "The devil is in the details."

  2. Plan 'just' enough. While it is always good to plan for contingencies, care must be taken not to over plan.

  3. It's not about the method. Show, don't tell. Visualise your ideas, it is easier to get across to your audience.

  4. Get uncomfortable being uncomfortable. Adopt a learning mindset, put aside personal ego, or "expert mindset" — Past results are no indicator of future performance.

  5. And last but not least, Persevere!

Tim very helpfully turned Shah's tidbits of wisdom into this beautiful illustration.


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