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Youth For Change Workshop: A Day of Inspiration and Innovation

We were thrilled to kick off our Youth For Change programme with an engaging and dynamic workshop. Aimed at empowering Change Makers aged 15-35, the workshop was a success, filled with creativity, collaboration, and a shared passion for social innovation.

The day began with a series of icebreaker games designed to energize the room and help participants get to know each other. These activities not only broke the ice but also set a positive and collaborative tone.

Introduction to Social Innovation

Introduction to Social Innovation

Participants were then introduced to Social Innovation and its importance in today's world. This session ignited a spark in our attendees, motivating them to think about the impact they can make in their communities.

Brainstorming Session: Identifying Social Causes

Brainstorming Session

The heart of the workshop was the brainstorming session, where participants were divided into small groups and tasked with identifying social causes that mattered to them.

Guided by our facilitators, the groups delved into discussions about various issues, from environmental sustainability to mental health and education. This session was incredibly productive, as participants not only identified key issues but also began to think about potential solutions.

This was a fantastic opportunity for everyone to exchange ideas, share their experiences, and build connections with like-minded individuals. The room buzzed with enthusiasm as new friendships and collaborations began to form.

What's Next: From Ideas to Action

Group Photo

Participants left with a better understanding of social innovation and a plethora of ideas ready to be developed further. The next steps in the Youth For Change programme will involve refining these ideas into actionable projects, with continued support from mentors and industry professionals.

Join Us on This Journey


Our first workshop was just the beginning. We are incredibly proud of the enthusiasm and creativity shown by our participants and look forward to seeing how their projects evolve. If you missed this workshop, don't worry, there are plenty more opportunities to get involved.

Mark your calendars! Our next workshop is coming up on the 7th of September, Saturday.

You can register on Peatix or Eventbrite.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events and join us in making a difference. Together, we can drive social change and create a better future!


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